PROJECT 5: Interview Evaluation—S.T.A.R.S.


The goal of this project is to assist you in preparing for interviews by providing you with a more in-depth view of how you can expect the recruiter to synthesize impressions you gave during your interview.

If you have already accepted employment or graduate school, you can still complete this project. You can look backward to what you would have written after your first interview with the firm or school. Use some empathy in assessing what was actually written about you before an offer came. Alternately, you can turn this evaluation into an empathetic Performance Review after your first six months on the job or at school. What will your supervisor say about you at that point in time?


Read Chapters 17, 18 and 19 in the textbook. Chapter numbers listed within the project refer to the textbook Career Planning Strategies: Hire Me! (5th Edition).

Your finished project should fulfill ALL of the requirements below.

Use materials from the textbook in your write-up.


A.     Read the text under “Emphatic Evaluation” in Chapter 19.

B.     Look at the sample evaluation forms linked below. (These are also in the textbook at the end of Chapter 18.) Select one and fill it out on yourself assuming the perspective of a recruiter who has interviewed you.

1.      Interview Evaluation

2.      Selection Summary

3.      Interview Report

4.      Powell’s Trait Checklist

5.      Candidate Evaluation

C.    Specific Job: Please base your replies on a job description that you might have earlier submitted. You need to provide some type of brief job description to enable an evaluation of your talents for the specific job. This should be one page long about a real job for which you are qualified.

D.    Competencies: List the eight competencies important in your case and write an evaluation of your hypothetical interview. (You can draw upon your performance in a previous interview.) Which S.T.A.R. situations did you use to illustrate each of the eight competencies?

E.     Improvement: Show what you could do to improve the quality of each factor if it is needed. Which of your competencies did you illustrate? How did these relate to the job?

F.     S.T.A.R.S.: Write an outline of S.T.A.R. events on one page to use as a review sheet before your next interviews.

G.    Select, copy and paste, and edit the filled-in evaluation into your project. You must bring a completed evaluation with you to your lab session. Under each selection factor evaluated, you must enter at least three fairly critical and at least three fairly complimentary sentences that best describe your positive and negative characteristics for this particular job.

Deliverables: You must do more than check the boxes on an evaluation form. Write! You should turn in to your Career Counselor:

Ø      Completed evaluation form

Ø      Job description

Ø      Explanation of your eight related competencies

Ø      One or two paragraphs describing each of the S.T.A.R.S. that you used

Ø      Short assessment of how well your eight competencies match the job description.